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FM Derana

[Translate to Sinhala:] FM Derana is a Sinhala language radio station that was founded in 2009. It is managed by Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited, which also maintains Derana TV. Presently, the parent company of Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited is Power House Limited. Dilith Jayaweera and Varuni Amunugama Fernando hold the majority of shares at Power House Limited. Having an audience reach of 14.31 percent, FM Derana features 15-minute news segments on a daily basis, in addition to other programmes such as talk shows and radio-drama series. In 2011, FM Derana was the official radio station that broadcasted the International Cricket Council (ICC) World Cup.

ප්‍රධාන කරුණු

ප්‍රේක්ෂක ප්‍රතිශතය


හිමිකාරීත්ව ආකාරය


භූගෝලීය ආවරණය


අන්තර්ගතයන් මාදිලිය

Free to air

පොදුවේ ලබාගැනීමට හැකි දත්ත

හිමිකාරීත්වය පිළිබඳ තොරතුරු වෙනත් මූලාශ්‍ර (උදා: පොදු ලියාපදිංචි කාර්යාලයන්) හරහා පහසුවෙන් ලබාගැනීමට තිබේ

2 ♥

මාධ්‍ය සමාගම්/සමූහයන්

සීමාසහිත පවර් හවුස්


හිමිකාරීත්ව ව්‍යුහය

Derana Macro Enternatinment (Pvt) Limited is owned by Power House Limited. Dilith Jayaweera and Varuni Amunugama Fernando jointly own 49.41 percent of shares which makes them the majority shareholders of Power House Limited. They also own 9.00 percent each as individuals.

ඡන්ද අයිතිවාසිකම්

Missing Data.

තනි හිමිකරු

සමූහය / තනි හිමිකරු

මාධ්‍ය සමාගම්/සමූහයන්

සාමාන්‍ය තොරතුරු

ආරම්භක වර්ෂය


ආරම්භකයාට අනුබද්ධ සම්බන්ධතාවයන්

Well-known entrepreneur Dilith Jayaweera and the daughter of Minister of Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development and Vocational Training and Kandyan Heritage Sarath Amunugama, Varuni Amunugama Fernando, co-founded Power House Limited, which owns Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited. Presently, Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited maintains Derana TV and FM Derana. Dilith and Varuni initially began their commercial ventures with an advertising agency, Triad (Pvt) Limited, while they were law students. Established in 1993, the agency was modelled as the country’s first local advertising house. In 2005, the agency gained prominence for running the advertising campaign of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s candidacy for the presidential election. Having established Triad (Pvt) Limited, Dilith and Varuni ventured into several other media-related businesses such as Power House Limited, formerly Power House (Pvt) Limited, which was incorporated in 2003, and Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited, which was incorporated in 2008.

Jayaweera was named Director of the Reefcomber in August 2010 after one of his subsidiary companies, Emagewise, purchased a significant amount of shares at the hotel. In October 2010, the Reefcomber was re-branded as Citrus Leisure PLC and currently has hotels at three locations – Hikkaduwa, Waskaduwa and Colombo. Jayaweera remains a Director at Citrus Leisure PLC today. In 2011, Jayaweera and another prominent businessman, Nimal Perera, were appointed to the board of directors after securing around 43 percent of shares at the George Steuart and Company Limited. Sitting as either Chairperson or on the board of directors, Jayaweera is currently the Chairperson of the George Steuart Group as well. This includes a finance company – George Steuart Finance Limited.

In 2015, the Colombo Magistrate Court approved an investigation into the financial transactions of Dilith Jayaweera, Nalaka Godahewa, Varuni Amunugama Fernando and Sarvajana Anandaraj Ameresekere over the alleged irregularities in the share transactions of Lanka Hospitals. After such claims emerged, Jayaweera had reportedly warned to sue the brother of the incumbent Prime Minister and the Chairperson of Telshan Networks (Pvt) Limited, Shan Wickremesinghe. This was owing to allegations that Wickremesinghe’s channel, TNL, had telecasted views against Jayaweera. The lawsuit was dropped after Wickremesinghe had reportedly issued an apology. Wickremesinghe’s daughter Ishini was also closely linked to the operations of Jayaweera’s Triad (Pvt) Limited previously. In the same year, Jayaweera's lawyers had reportedly warned to take legal action against the Chairperson of The Capital Maharaja Organisation Limited, R. Rajamahendran. A legal suit was to be filed claiming compensation of LKR 2 million (around USD 12,500) for defamatory statements allegedly aired on Rajamahendran's channel, Sirasa TV. However, Rajamahendran’s lawyers had also reportedly warned to counter-sue Jayaweera for LKR 20 billion (around USD 125 million) if Jayaweera proceeded with the suit.

ප්‍රධාන විධායක නිලධාරියාට අනුබද්ධ සම්බන්ධතාවයන්

Madawa Mandawala is the CEO as well as a Director. He is listed as a shareholder at Power House Limited.

අනෙකුත් වැදගත් පුද්ගලයින්ට අනුබද්ධ සම්බන්ධතාවයන්

Laksiri Wickramage serves as the Deputy Chairperson and Director. He holds 2 percent of Power House Limited, the parent company of Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited.

සම්බන්ධ කරගැනීමේ තොරතුරු

[Translate to Sinhala:] Power House Limited

No. 320, T.B. Jaya Mawatha, Level 4, Colombo 10

Tel: +945300800, +945300700

Fax: +942506226


මූල්‍ය තොරතුරු

ලාභය (ඇමරිකානු ඩොලර්.මිලියන වලින්)

Missing Data

ක්‍රියාකාරී ලාභය (ඇමරිකන් ඩොලර්.මිලියන වලින්)

Missing Data

ප්‍රචාරණය (සමස්ත මුදල් වෙන් කිරීමෙන් ප්‍රතිශතයක් ලෙස)

Missing Data

වෙළෙඳපොල ප්‍රතිශතය

Missing Data

වැඩිදුර තොරතුරු

දත්ත පිළිබඳ තොරතුරු

The official website of FM Derana does not detail its organisational structure. It is also difficult to determine whether Power House Limited or Derana Macro Entertainment (Pvt) Limited own the license to the radio station. Information on the shareholders was gathered through the annual returns available at the Department of Registrar of Companies. The most recent data was available for the year 2015. Listenership data was obtained from the Kantar Lanka Market Research Bureau (LMRB) for the year 2017 (January- November). While the Media Ownership Monitor research team reached out to Powerhouse Limited by formally requesting for the company’s information on 20 July 2018, the company did not respond to the aforementioned request.

මූලාශ්‍ර මාධ්‍ය ප්‍රොෆයිලය


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    Global Media Registry
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