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Global Media Registry

Print Market

Print media is the oldest type of media in the country. At present, Sri Lanka has over 20 daily newspapers, in addition to approximately 50 weekly and 30 monthly publications. Although there are over 100 printed publications regularly produced in the country, the readership share is concentrated among four news organisations: Wijeya Newspapers Limited, the Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited (ANCL/Lake House), and Upali Newspapers (Pvt) Limited and Ceylon Newspapers (Pvt) Limited. ANCL is a state-owned media organisation while the other three are privately owned.

The state plays the role of both regulator and owner also in the print sector since the Sri Lanka Press Council (SLPC), which was established under the Sri Lanka Press Council Act No.5 of 1973, has the power to register newspapers and monitor newspaper content.

Print Database
  • Project by
    Verité Research
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by